In Your Pocket

Running a company can sometimes feel like steering a ship through stormy seas. As the captain, you can’t weather it all alone; you need a well-versed crew, ready to ride out the storm.

 And that’s where a Fractional C-suite Executive comes in. To Strategize, To Guide!

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What Is Fractional CEO?

A fractional CEO is an experienced business leader who provides strategic direction and leadership on an as-needed basis. They are usually brought in when a company is going through rapid growth or transformation and need an extra set of hands (and brains) to help them navigate through these choppy waters.

A fractional COO, on the other hand, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company. They work closely with the CEO to develop and implement strategic initiatives.

Abstract of a Bright glowing person standing out in a crowd

What Is Fractional CEO?

A fractional CEO is an experienced business leader who provides strategic direction and leadership on an as-needed basis. They are usually brought in when a company is going through rapid growth or transformation and need an extra set of hands (and brains) to help them navigate through these choppy waters.

A fractional COO, on the other hand, is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company. They work closely with the CEO to develop and implement strategic initiatives.

What Types of Businesses Can Benefit From A Fractional CEO Service?

The use of fractional CEO/COO services can be beneficial for businesses in many different industries. For example, if you are operating with limited capital or have an inexperienced leader who needs more time to learn what they’re doing then this might work well as your team could focus on critical tasks while still getting all the guidance needed from those at the top management level.

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Our Priority Is to Bring A Positive Change to Your Business!

As fractional CEO,
we help the owners with the following services.

  • We provide experienced leadership and guidance.

  • Assess employee and contractor roles.

  • Clarify goals.

  • Provide assistance to implement strategies.

  • Implement plans with a measurable standard all over the company.

  • Develop short and long-term strategies.

  • Assess company risks.

  • Implementing measurable standards and plans in all areas of the company.

  • Bringing a result-oriented change in the business.

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As fractional CEO,
we help the owners with the following services.

  • Develop operational strategies.

  • Assess daily operation

  • Facelifted the creation and implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP).

  • Review employee performance by setting up a Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

  • Establish operational controls and reporting structure.

  • Suggesting policies that promote a company's culture and fulfil the owner’s vision.

Hiring A Fractional CEO Is Way More Cost Efficient Than Hiring A Full-Time CEO

We Help Small to Medium Sized Business to Grow

We have a wealth of experience and knowledge to share

With our fractional CEO service, you can tap into the vast experience and skill set of us who has already been through what your company is going through now. We know how to deal with these and guide your business on a positive track.

Offer Scalability and Practicality

Your business will be scaling up faster with our experience and skills. We bring the plan to fruition, while also helping you to execute it with precision.

On the other hand, Fractional CEOs are a great way to bring the right kind of atmosphere into your small or medium-sized business. These founders cannot do everything on their own as most of the time they lack resources. So it's important for them to find ways around this problem. And our part-time CEOs can help you with a practical solution.

Provide Guidance

It can be difficult for any organization to change their track and or take a big step. And when leaders are overwhelmed and have no one to guide them properly they are afraid to make changes.

Our fractional CEO can be the catalyst to incite change. They possess the practical experience and reliable knowledge that provide guidance to business owners.

Provide Shadow Leadership to The Younger Generation

Usually, the business owner hands over leadership to his son or a close one after a while. In this instance, you need an experienced guide who can help smooth out any bumps in the transition process for both parties involved.

With our years of experience, we're able to provide your company with guidance so that everything goes off without a hitch.

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Our Aim

Sometimes a business owner’s vision and the implementation don’t work together. It can happen due to the lack of resources or inexperienced managers. The main goal of Dependopolis is to remove the gap. We also suggest to the owners what is best for them.

After taking a project, we are talking to the owner, collect all the data, and ask them about their goal. We utilize all the information, we come up with the best solution for the business.

We guide the decision maker and they do the implementation on their own. Our job is to guide you to reach your goal more efficiently.

Let’s Work Together!

Giving perfect operational insights or strategy need different kinds of skill set-up. At Dependopolis we have years of practical knowledge of operating businesses. So if you need an advisor who can handle your problem precisely, Dependopolis is where it’s at!

We partner with business owners who don’t have the budget to hire a full-time CEO or who need expert guidance for a time being. We will work hard on every detail so you can focus more energy towards running things successfully.

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Our Previous Work

General FAQ

General FAQ
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FAQ About Dependopolis

FAQs About Dependopolis

General FAQ

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Scaling Up Your Business and Take The Right Decision

We are not a consulting firm that will work on a project basis. We take full responsibility and provide the perfect strategy for implementing your vision. With our experience and precise planning process, we can take your business towards success!

Improved Results with Marketing and Sales Strategies

Zareen Valley is a beautiful banquet hall nestled near the Nedunkundram hillock. We have provided expert advice on business strategies for marketing and pricing – helping them turn this space into a profitable venture!

Key Achievements:

▸Evaluated the company’s current marketing efforts and identified areas for improvement.
▸Provided recommendations for improving Zareen Valley’s marketing efforts
▸Developed a comprehensive marketing plan that included tactics for reaching the target audience, tracking progress, and adjusting strategies as needed.

Delivering a Tailored and Results-Driven Strategy

Fye Network (FyeN) is a multimedia, entertainment, and content creation company. They have wanted to reposition their business model, and to get aid in this mission, they have sought the expertise of Dependopolis for fractional CEO service.

We have suggested several marketing ideas and business models based on their goals. FyeN is now specialized in curating African-centered children’s content, and they are very promising in this industry.