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7 minutes
As a seasoned Digital Transformation Expert, my heart leaps at the profound potential of digital innovation in tackling one of...


7 Mintues
Why Manufacturers Should Focus on Digital Transformation for Better Operations From my vantage point as a digital transformation expert, I...


7 minutes
Picture this โ€“ smoggy cityscapes, traffic-congested streets, choking fumes of old-school combustion engines… It is not a pretty sight, is...


6 minutes
The journey of China towards creating smart cities rooted in low-carbon initiatives presents a compelling narrative. As a seasoned digital...


6 minutes
Imagine a world in which technology and nature exist in harmony. I often contemplate how our pursuit for technological advancement...


6 minutes
For those not in the know, Green IT, short of Green Information Technology, is a recent player in the vast...


7 minutes
In the ceaseless pursuit of sustainable living, digital technologies have emerged as a beacon of hope. With the pressing urgency...


7 minutes
Technology has breathed fresh life into my efforts to reduce carbon emissions. In my 20 years in Silicon Valley and...
